Window Coverings &


As you childproof your home, don’t forget your window treatments. These seemingly harmless products are a potential hazard for your little ones (and pets too).

Accidents Happen


cases of child death in the U.S. since 1990 were due to unsafe window coverings.


of those recorded deaths were due to entanglement involving window cords.


children in the U.S. were treated for injuries caused by window treatments between 1990 and 2015.


of reported injuries were with horizontal blind - the biggest culprit AND most common product in homes.

The Good News?

Thanks to collaborative efforts between the window fashions industry and the Window Covering Safety Council, it’s easy to identify problems and discover child-safe window treatment solutions.

Accidents are preventable.


What is Certified Best for Kids™?


Best for Kids™ requires manufacturers who want to be part of the program to meet stringent criteria and submit appropriate products to a third party testing laboratory recognized by Window Covering Manufacturers Association (WCMA).

To become certified, these products either have no operating cords or inner cords that are not accessible. If accessible inner cords are present in products with no operating cords, they cannot create a hazardous loop or potential wrap-around hazard.

For additional information and repair kits for older window covering products, please visit Window Covering Safety Council
