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75 Years of Design | The 1950s

Brooke Cleaver        February 28, 2025

This year, we’re celebrating our 75th anniversary as a leader in the custom window-covering manufacturing industry. As such, we thought it would be a fun exercise to examine the history of interior design as a whole.

A lot has happened in the past 75 years, which is why we will be focusing on one decade at a time—starting with the 1950s. So strap in as we explore the birth of mid-modern century design, the space age, and Lafayette Interior Fashions itself.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

New Year, New Hue | Color Trends for 2025

Brooke Cleaver        November 26, 2024

Fall is a season of transition, and it’s also the time when the world’s leading color experts reveal their top picks for Color of the Year—choices that shape the interior landscape for years to come.

Last year, we saw a shift toward self-care and personalization with rich midtones, uplifting hues, and bold blues. Moving forward, that same sense of individuality is amplified through bold berry tones, grounded mid-tones, and forward-thinking neutrals.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

Smart Home Upgrades You Didn’t Know You Needed – Until Now

Brooke Cleaver        October 29, 2024

Smart homes have been a topic of conversation for decades, inspiring countless books, TV shows, and movies about the rise and fall of technology. Take the prime-time classic, The Jetsons, for example, which follows the lives and luxuries of a futuristic family in their suburban sky home, or the 1999 smash hit Smart House. This obsession with technology—and its portrayal in pop culture, however, has done more than entertain us. It's helped to shape our expectations of what's possible.

While we may be a few years away from the wonders of 3D-printed food and self-cleaning floors (sigh, if only), much of what was once deemed as science-fiction has slowly become a reality. So, let’s explore three of the most popular tools entering today’s homes and how they’re being used to improve lives.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

Back in Style | Three Vintage Window Treatments Making a Comeback

Brooke Cleaver        August 12, 2024

When we think of trends, our minds often go to one of two places: the here and now, or the then and... what in the world was I thinking? The funny thing about trends, though, is that they have a way of coming back. Take the teased hair and skinny jeans of the '80s, which climbed back to popularity in the early 2000s. Or the claw clips and spaghetti straps of the '90s, which are making a triumphant return after years of dormancy. Let's face it: fashion is cyclical—and much like the Mesozoic beast in the 1993 classic Jurassic Park, it tends to "find a way."

Interestingly, this phenomenon isn't just limited to the fashion industry. It also extends to other facets of life, including the design sector. Interior design trends experience the same cycles of rebirth and renewal. So, let's take a moment to explore some of our favorite trends making a comeback: vintage window treatments, and how those solutions are being updated for a modern audience.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

Choosing the Best Fabric for Your Drapery Project

Brooke Cleaver        July 1, 2024

You’ve measured your windows and pored over various heading styles – only to be left with the agonizing choice of fabric selection. Draperies can be a wonderful addition to a home. But between all of the colors, patterns, and textures, the choice can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve developed a system for choosing the most appropriate fabric for your application. Follow along to learn the ins and outs of fabric selection so that you can move forward with confidence.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

After the Storm | 30 Years of Perseverance

The Lafayette Team        April 26, 2024

The morning of April 26, 1994, began as any other. Soft winds whispered through burgeoning leaves as commuters drove to and from work. By midday, temperatures soared to a high of 87 degrees as residents treated themselves to a warm, partly cloudy afternoon. As day shifted into night - and as a new set of commuters set off on their evening exchange, temperatures eased to a comfortable 70 degrees.

It was just another Tuesday night for the residents of West Lafayette, Indiana. But that would soon change for the workers of Lafayette Interior Fashions and its surrounding inhabitants.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

Planning for Play | How to Design a Kid-Friendly Space

Brooke Cleaver        April 15, 2024

When we think of children's spaces, our minds often go to bright, colorful rooms with fun, playful décor. But what about the elements beyond that point, or how those features may evolve and change over time? If you're looking to design a space that's not only stylish but pliable for growth and development, follow along as we explore some child-friendly design practices.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

Design Your Way to an Easy-To-Clean Home

Brooke Cleaver        March 29, 2024

Spring is in the air, and with that comes a slew of annual festivities and rituals, the most dreaded of them being spring cleaning. While the act of breaking down one’s home and scrubbing it from head to toe might sound relaxing to some, it can create a point of tremendous stress for others. If you’re struggling with staying motivated this season, join us as we explore some innovative and seamless home upgrades that can help break down some of that dreaded housework.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

The Artists Behind the Artistry | Custom Printed Shades

Brooke Cleaver        February 23, 2024

In our fast-paced world, with all its modern conveniences, it can be easy to forget the people behind some of our favorite products. Behind every next-day-air or two-day-shipment is the lifelong journey of an artist, untold. Which is why we're taking a moment to lift the curtain on one of our favorite products: our custom-printed shades.

So sit back, relax, and allow us to introduce you to the artists behind the artistry.

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Lafayette Interior Fashions

7 Free Holiday Templates to Make Your Home Merry and Bright

Brooke Cleaver        December 14, 2023

Jingle bells are in the air, and what better way to kick off the Holiday Season than with a fun, festive craft the whole family can enjoy: Homemade Stencils. Line your windows with crystalline patterns, “jeuje” up your stockings with boughs of holly, or assemble the perfect greeting card with custom templates courtesy of Lafayette Interior Fashions. Tailored for all skill levels, these printable templates offer a perfect way to elevate your seasonal décor and infuse your home with warmth and cheer.

To get started, click the link below each design. Doing so will pull up a PDF, granting you the freedom to save and modify the image however you see fit. For a quick and easy solution, right-click the design to save a copy of the image. Though, be mindful, as this might result in a smaller printout.

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