New Coworkers

Here are some images shared by our Lafayette Interior Fashions family of their new coworkers during the quarantine

Dog Working hard
Gretchen's son E-learning at the home office Gretchen's new co-workers sleeping on the job 5th generation working in the family business! Sewing masks to help combat COVID-19 Sewing masks to help combat COVID-19 Supplies for making masks Supplies for making masks Bandwidth issues, working on rabbit ears Dave's IT begging for a break Danielle's Coworker Creates Separate Space Raine's Cat Also Raine's Cat Mariah's Sleepy dog Mariah's sleepy dog again New Coworkers New coworker looking for rabbits New Coworkers Margaret and her dog Margaret's Dogs Julie's Dog Julie's sleepy dog Julie's Dog Dog Working hard Stephanie's Cat Stephanie's new coworker Stephanie's Coworker Dogs selling Allure® Transitional Shades Dog coworker running the Flash Sale on select Tenera® and Parasol® materials Bridgette's coworker helping with materials Bridgette and coworker headed to work Adam's new coworker Adam's new coworkers Adam's new coworker Shipping Manager New Coworker napping

Certified Child Safe

This is some filler text about this image. It's a very nice image. I think it's probably best if I just don't mess with this portion just right now.

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